The Saskatoon Soaring Club generally runs a 6-session 15-hour Glider Ground School each year. For information contact the Saskatoon Soaring Club by email
SSC Glider Ground School
See homepage for location and time of next Ground School.
Cost is $50 for non-members (or $100 for ground school plus an introductory glider flight), unless otherwise specified plus books as required. Books used with this course include:
the Soar and Learn to Fly Gliders manual of the Soaring Association of Canada
the Glider Pilot Ground School manual of the Saskatoon Soaring Club
also recommended (but not required) is the book From the Ground
Topics covered in Ground School include:
Glider and Soaring Operations
Theory of Flight
Aircraft Instruments
Air Regulations
Everyone welcome to first session, no obligation or commitment.
Postal Address: 510 Cynthia St, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 7K7
For questions, or comments, or to leave any message with the Saskatoon Soaring Club please contact:
SSC Mail